The Legacy Lives On!
Today at the Gold King Mine, we are reminded that October 17 marks one year since our Founder Don Robertson passed away. With his passing, we remember him and Terry by honoring their work and continuing their legacy.
A 52 Corbett semi rat rod build will continue to carry on Don’s legacy of unique creativity in vintage transportation, and the art of painting old rusty things like saws, ax heads, milk cans, etc. This exhibits Terry’s talent in making anything old and rusty look beautiful .
We are also very thankful to Charlie Connell and his partners for restoring the 1920 Gibson Gryatory Crusher that will be a new working exhibit here at the Gold king Mine. With the future plan of restoring the old Stamp mill as a working exhibit.
Last but not least, the 1914 Gas Whity sawmill has a brand new block. The old dragon will be strong as ever again.
Thanks to all who support out efforts to keep the Gold King Mine a special place.